Monday, January 30, 2012

Why is that Obama supporters don't answer questions without trying to convince you to vote for Obama?

Why is it that Obama supporters on most websites only make rude comments about the other candidiates and can't seem to answer questions without trying to get you to vote for Obama? Everyone else that supports another candidate states why without trying to recruit you? Does that seem odd?Why is that Obama supporters don't answer questions without trying to convince you to vote for Obama?I like Obama, and I'm not rude. Hmmmppphhh.

OK, I confess, I like Hillary, too ... so if you like Hillary better, I won't lose sleep over it.

I think everyone has a right to his/her own view and opinion. I'm not shy about voicing mine, but I'd never slam someone else if they gave a valid opinion. Nor would I ever try to force my choice down someone's throat.

We all have to think for ourselves and vote for the candidate we think is best ... we do this individually. It's not up to me to persuade you to vote for the candidate I favor ... it is up to you to make that decision for yourself!Why is that Obama supporters don't answer questions without trying to convince you to vote for Obama?
Not really. They are passionate.

I have notices the same thing about Ron Paul supporters.Why is that Obama supporters don't answer questions without trying to convince you to vote for Obama?there is nothing positive to say about him, all they can do is criticize you for negative criticizms against him because he has no public record to criticize.
Do you have some empirical, statistical evidence to back that up? Or are you just overstating things to try and make Obama supporters look bad?Why is that Obama supporters don't answer questions without trying to convince you to vote for Obama?The funniest thing I have seen this election was a focus group that was being asked questions about Obama on Fox News with the dials and such. Hannity asked a simple question to the entire group of approximately 20 and asked them if anybody could name one piece of legislation or an issue that Obama has been a part of and nobody could name anything. The point is this. I can talk eloquently about elephant turds all day long and make them sound spectacular, but at the end of the day, it's still an elephant turd. Obama sounds so good when he talks that people are falling all over themselves, but I ask you the question, what is he saying except he wants huge Goverment at any cost? He is a big Government Socialist and anybody that tells you any different is a liar.Why is that Obama supporters don't answer questions without trying to convince you to vote for Obama?
Hillary supporters do the same..
Not all Obama supporters are like that. You are generalizing and that's fair. I wish everyone would vote for Obama, but if you hadn't made up your mind by now, you don't want to. It's too much information available to the average person for me to try and persuade you.

Now if you post inaccurate information about Obama, then I'm going to tell you so and give you the correct information.

Simple as that.Why is that Obama supporters don't answer questions without trying to convince you to vote for Obama?
Eh, I'm not sure, but you should vote for Obama.
The website is full of information. You don't need to be spoon-fed in the forums, surely? Besides, if answers are not being responded to, those asking should repeat the questions out loud, and see their questions as being way too dumb to be worth answering to. Hope you got it!!

Sure we're passionate about Obama. Yes, we are discovering that McCain and Hillary are freaks. Of course, supporters of Obama are merely wanting others to find out info that the supporters of the other candidates are simply too naive to get their hands on. Nothing wrong with that, surely?
It's in human nature to try and get other people to go with your own beliefs.

In response to the first answer to this question, I'm guilty of that as well. I'm a passionate Ron Paul supporter. I sincerely believe that my **** smells like roses and anybody who doesn't support Ron Paul has **** that smells like nuclear waste.

But we all need to think for ourselves, and Yahoo Answers is not the place to find out what candidate to vote for.
Part of the trouble with a political system like ours, is the fact that we get lots and lots of people involved in the political process who get excited by candidates or issues without actually knowing who or what they're talking about.

God bless 'em, as an open democracy needs people to get

involved, but it's a frustrating issue, especially where numbers are involved.

I was just listening to a published author on NPR who wrote a book on the subject of political candidates. He wrote about a study that showed that most people who follow a particular candidate or another are first IDENTIFYING with that candidate, and then subconsciously justifying their decision.

In other words, people don't think first, they become enamored with a candidates charisma and then find reasons to support their decision. Obama's got a lot of charisma, and he's a very good public speaker. However, his voting record does NOT support what I feel is a sensible, honest candidate, and his political platform (the issues in which he believes) is not the basis of a sound government.

Check out Ron Paul on Youtube. He believes in America minding its own business, and a limited government.
No body have to beg you for a vote... If you really cared, if it mean that much to you, you wouldnt be on this stupid site...

go to the source, facts
VOTE FOR OBAMA!!!!11!!!!!

Get it?

It's irony...

Funny right?
Perhaps because Obama supporters are smart enough to know you are pretending to ask a question when you really DO NOT want an answer.

So, instead of trying to give you one like many unfortunate souls seem to feel compelled to do, they simply write something like "Obama for President!!", thus letting YOU and everyone else know nothing that you've written has phased them one iota.

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