Monday, January 30, 2012

Since Obama is deciding to ramp up the war in Afghanistan will Liberals still call this Bush's war?

Obama said before the election he thought we should put more resources into Afghanistan and that's what he is doing.

When does this become Obama's war instead of Bush's?|||It will be Obama's if the U.S. is victorious.|||If Bush had finished this war in a reasonable timeframe, Obama wouldn't have to be ramping it up to finish it off.

FDR took out Hitler and Hirohito in less than 4 years.

What is Bush's excuse for failing to finish a war against a bunch of rag-tag, untrained extremists?|||You know what? Amazingly I see a lot of them saying it is Obama's war now and he is taking a lot of **** from a lot of people. I am pleasantly surprised...

ADD: LOL! But I guess we will always have people like "idiot" above me|||yes they will ALWAYS call it bush's war.|||Hey, if it isn't Bush's war, it really isn't war at all.|||i say its obama's war now.|||No, though he'll always have the ignominious honor of having started it. It became Obama's war the moment he stepped into office, as did the Iraq war. If Obama does something egregiously wrong in either one, it's his fault, not Bush's.|||Who the hell knows anymore? I think they ought to pull out of Afghanistan and let those people fend for themselves. If they can't take care of themselves then it's their problem.|||When Obama starts a war. It is like blaming the tow truck guy for a car accident when somebody else was behind the wheel that hit the car.|||No. The war in Iraq was "Bush's War." The war in Afghanistan is to crush the terrorists who attacked us. It's a justified fight, not somebody's pet project.|||Before Obama became the President of U.S it was in ruins because of Bush now Obama is trying to fix everything and in my point of view I think he's doing the right thing.|||BOZO isn't responsible for anything...don't you know that by now? THREE YEARS OF DEM CONTROL and they have nothing to do with anything except making things a HUGE MESS and TELLING over 500 days of LIES!


You need to read the Iraq war resolution.

It lists all the reasons we had to go to war.

both houses of congress passed this bill authorizing the war.

It had overwhelming bipartisan support Democrat and Republican.

Source(s):鈥?/a>|||Liberals and neocons are the exact same thing. The only difference is that one of them wants guys to marry each other. That really is it. They both want the world to be under one government. They are huge fans of globalization and wont' stop until everyone is just like "us."

Liberals will still continue to blame Bush for this war.|||yes.|||Bush started them; so, it is and will always be his's really that simple. When Obama starts a war, you can cry then but don't hold your breath. Just because the guy you voted for FAILED in his mission to exact justice for 9/11, that failure doesn't magically transfer over to the next guy...Obama is simply trying to succeed at finishing what Bush failed at when he started it.|||just iraq|||I think this issue will separate the true liberals from the it's a college fad thing to be liberal. If you are truly a liberal you should be up in arms about the troop increase. Waiting to see how many truly believe in their ideals or in some super star politician.|||Bush's war was Iraq, America's war was in Afghanistan. Bush gets credit for right after 9/11, when he took us here and started to do the best thing for our nation.... but that whole "side tracked" in Iraq bit hurt us in Afghanistan.... now we are playing catch-up. It's not Obama's war, and it wasn't Bush's war... Going after Al Qaeda was/is America's war.|||The war in Afghanistan became President Obama's war the day in January 2009 that he was inaugurated. It is his inheritance and as commander in chief, he has to do all in his powers to continue to protect the lives and interests of America. It now become his call to provide for and support the troops. If "victory" comes in the next couple years, it will be President Obama's victory, not former President Bush's. Likewise, defeat is President Obama's, not former President Bush's.|||NO

it will BE OBAMA WIN


ha hahahahhahah

after a large army sieges the taliban in pakistan


ha hahahhahahahahahahahhahahah|||Iraq was always called Bush's war, Afghanistan has always been overlooked obviously. Majority of our troops were sent to Iraq. No one ever talked about Afghanistan until recently it was always Iraq.|||Liberals are stuck in the past. They don't have the confidence to look into the future. Whenever they can't think of something good, they look for someone to blame and spend more money that has nothign to do with the situation.|||It is still a bush war.With an Obama twist. Had it been done right to begin with we wouldn't be having this discussion. That lies completely at the door of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rove. Deny, deflect, distort, delude as much as you please. It still is what it is.|||Bush's war is in Iraq. Afghanistan is America's war but only patriotic Americans seem to know this.|||Bush started in 2001.

Obama has been cleaning up since 2009.

You do the math.|||It should have been Bush's war. He never should have abandoned the effort in Afghanistan to start a war of convenience. So no, Afghanistan is not Bush's war and hasn't been since 2003. And by the way, liberals have NEVER called Afghanistan Bush's war so not sure where you came up with that.|||No, even those far left anchors on MSNBC are now calling this 0bama's war.|||This is our children's future tax payments War.

Remember this is all debt, all the time.

Hard to tell the difference between someone who starts something, and someone who continues it who knows better.|||If you voted for Obama, and you're honest with yourself, you should be furious right about now.|||If we clean out Afghanistan and be successful then it will be Obama's war. If we get our rear ends handed to us then it will be Bush's war.|||Let's just hope it isn't the next Presidents war.

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