Monday, January 30, 2012

How is it that Obama inherited a failing stock market from Bush ?

The facts clearly show the stock market on a steady climb from 2004 - 2008 until the election of Obama. The facts also show the market climbing from Bush's election in 2001 until it dropped after 9/11. The numbers just don't lie folks.How is it that Obama inherited a failing stock market from Bush ?\The market peaked in October 2007 and “came tumbling down last spring, when the bursting of the housing bubble started to add up to massive losses for Wall Street banks and other financial services firms tied to bad mortgages.”

after the public found out that Bush and the G O P's deregulation of EVERYTHING caused false values and NOTHING is worth what THEY PROJECTED

of course confidence is OUT and people don't want stocks in companies that LIED about their profitability while paying their CEO multi-million dollar bonus's-----DUHHow is it that Obama inherited a failing stock market from Bush ?
Figures don't lie but liars figure.How is it that Obama inherited a failing stock market from Bush ?When Obama speaks the market shrieks.

Just look at the market drops on days he has given speech's, it is only obvious, so now he is sending Bernanke to do the dirty work with the same results.

The market and the mortgage crisis have nothing to do with any Republican deregulation, it is Democrat Bill Clinton that revised the Community Reinvestment Act, to promote loans to unqualified people, in the name of "Affordable Housing".

The stock market took a hit when the DEMOCRATIC polices of forcing banks to loan money to idiots finally reached it's maximum.

They planned it so that it would hit right before election time so that people would get scared and vote for "change." They just weren't smart enough to realize that sometimes change makes things much worse.

.How is it that Obama inherited a failing stock market from Bush ?Bush's irresponsible policies caused the lending bubble.How is it that Obama inherited a failing stock market from Bush ?
hmm, maybe because there is a RECESSION going on around the world! some people just don't get it. he inherited a lot of Bush's problems but the stock market one was going to happen, even if Bush still had time in office. just because you don't like Obama doesn't mean he's doing anything wrong.
Oh sure. One man has the power to make millions of people dump billions of dollars in investments after only being in office for a couple months. I'm sure the 8 years of economic disaster left behind by Bush had NOTHING to do with this.

Idiot.How is it that Obama inherited a failing stock market from Bush ?
So...the facts clearly show that?

In November 2007 the Dow was at about 14,000.

In November 2008 the Dow was at about 8,000.

I guess you were confused about what a fact is.
I personally think the stock drops were partially because of the problems that hit hard at the end of the Bush Administration, things like Fannie and Freddie...but I also think the people with money who own businesses saw Obama's election win as now a shot at them. Now the wealthy/business owners don't have the power anymore, so they're pulling back, pulling out, pulling away.

Of course stocks will go down if those with money believe their leaders are against them.
When the democratic party gained Control over Congress in January 2007.

The Dow Jones was at 12,500 and rising

Unemployment was at 4.9% and falling

Since the Democrats became the majority party in Congress.

The Dow Jones has fallen 48%

Unemployment has increased 65%

Since the Democratic Party gained control of Congress in 2007

There have been 3.4 trillion dollars of deficit spending.

More than every Republican majority Congress combined since WW ll

But they wanna blame it on Bush or republicans !!!

And just what deregulation under Bush ?

Democrats keep saying Bush deregulation is the cause.

But for some reason, they can never name a single deregulation bill passed while Bush was president.
The purpose of the "Bail Out" for the banks was to get them to lend more. Its pretty funny that all the banks that got the money actually ended up lending less. And we bailed out GM and now they are saying they are going to go bankrupt anyway. Its awesome that my taxes are going to failure companies and irresponsible people that took on mortgages that they couldn't afford. But hey its "The Land of Opportunity" especially if you are a failure!!!!
Exactly the stock market started to fall when obama was elected, because the spell was broken and the people realized how screwed we were going to be. After he was elected any idiot realized how inexperience he was, and still is, and with whatever experience he does have he has never made any real decisions. I'm not saying that the economy wasn't pretty funky before he was elected, but after he was elected it dropped like a rock, and it's still going.
catch up on your obamanomics 3 simple phases

phase 1 ... explains how its bush's fault
He didn't. He inherited it from the Clinton and the Democrats.
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