Thursday, January 26, 2012

What is the general stance on our space policy from democrat and republican candidates?

I have heard very little on this and I'm curious to know where both parties stand on our current space policy, vision for space, and the constellation program.What is the general stance on our space policy from democrat and republican candidates?This website probably has more information about the candidate's positions on science than you'd ever want to know. It's very important to me, and I ended up just skipping to the sections I was passionate about.鈥?/a>What is the general stance on our space policy from democrat and republican candidates?Republicans are usually more willing to spend money on space. Dems tend to spend on vote getting, I mean social programs.What is the general stance on our space policy from democrat and republican candidates?I think Republicans generally have a better grasp on national defense and military strategy. One strategy that everyone will agree on is "hold the high ground". Space is the ultimate high ground. If we don't hold it, someone else will.What is the general stance on our space policy from democrat and republican candidates?
I remember in a previous repub debate ,the CNN youtube one, that Huckabee said he would expand funding to NASA, and he got rebuked as they had just barely gotten done talking about how we need to cut government spending which Huckabee claimed he would do that too.

Thats the only thing I have heard about it in any of the debates.

Personally I think we have to stabilize the economy before we spend more money on space programs.

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