Monday, January 30, 2012

Is it true that Obama is planning on letting people with an American visa become resident's?

I heard that obama is planning on letting anyone with an american visa become a resident of the U.S. Is this in anyway true? If so when will this happen? My boyfriend is Dominican with a travel visa and would like to know if this is true.Is it true that Obama is planning on letting people with an American visa become resident's?Nope Obama cannot do it alone.If this were the case Bush would have did it 8 years agoIs it true that Obama is planning on letting people with an American visa become resident's?
Nope Obama cannot do it alone.If this were the case Bush would have did it 8 years ago


'Cannot block..' is right. Both the Republicans, under Bush, and the Democrats, under Obama, are trying to open the doors. Computer Data Bases are very easy to create. The Federal Government refuses to create a data base on the illegal aliens in this country, but where the States have done so, illegal aliens are very, very expensive. Even so.. the Federal Government is doing all it can to open the doors with staunch democrats and republicans doing what they can stop this mess.Is it true that Obama is planning on letting people with an American visa become resident's?NO and you can thank the invading of illegals for that.We have so many people here that aren't suppose to be here that they are cracking down on people that want to do it the legal way.He can go to Mexico and sneak across though and then get on a train or bus.That is done ALL the time.How do you think you Canadians get illegal hispanics from south america up there?Is it true that Obama is planning on letting people with an American visa become resident's?
he is already giving them free drivers license , why not? I think before long our lil country called America will be nothing but a burning bush on the map, thanks to him letting islam radical idiots take refugee here.Is it true that Obama is planning on letting people with an American visa become resident's?We won't need visas soon. Soon enough you will be able to just walk in, demand health care and welfare cheques and section 8 housing and you will be all set.Is it true that Obama is planning on letting people with an American visa become resident's?
That would definitely not surprise me, that sounds like something Barry would do.
You heard wrong.

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