Monday, January 30, 2012

What is there in Obama's past indicating that he qualifies to be the leader of the free world?

Are there any people here that can answer this question honestly, without bashing another candidate, party or changing the subject?

I'll rephrase this very simple question another way:

Is there anything in Obama's past that indicates he can be leader of the free world and if so, what is it that precisely makes him a viable candidate?

If you're incapable of answering this question, kindly skip over it. Thanks!What is there in Obama's past indicating that he qualifies to be the leader of the free world?There's a great book called "Call to Greatness" which talks about the challenges our next president will face.

In it, the author feels there are 7 qualities the next president must have:

1) The ability to respond decisively to a crisis.

2) The ability to set priorities.

3) The ability to mobilize resources.

4) The ability to maintain political unity and shrewd timing.

5) The ability to communicate and understandable public strategy.

6) The ability to offer us a vision beyond war.

7) The ability to take us from peril to promise.

When I look at Obama, I am concerned about his lack of experience and his ability to do any of these things. If I look at it honestly, Palin is more qualified than Obama.What is there in Obama's past indicating that he qualifies to be the leader of the free world?
You have first to realize the difference between leadership and electability

It is very rare that you find both qualities in the same candidate.

I think that Sen Obama is electable.He is educated,well spoken and camera friendly,he has stood and won elections in the past.But as a leader,I can't see it.What committees has he led,legislature introduced troops or corporations directed.All of these make a leader along with a clear vision of how to get to the final objective.

Ron Paul is a leader but he is not electable on a national level

John McCain has leadership qualities but is not electable

Presidents like Ronald Reagan come along once in a while unfortunately. What is there in Obama's past indicating that he qualifies to be the leader of the free world?without bashing another candidate:

Bush is not a candidate. What made him qualified to be the leader of the free world?

The answer to the question is that no one has ever been qualified. You don't go to college and major in being President or go to President Preparatory School. The idea of President is that anyone, even you or a peanut farmer can become President and he or she will have a team of advisers to help direct you on decisions. The idea that you have to be some elitist superhuman to be President was never the intent of the constitution. You should feel like one day you will be President and or instill these values in your children.
I hope you don't consider this answer as unworthy ...

Obama has a past ... that enables him too see the benefits of a good education that came from the support of family who worked hard to provide him with that education.....

He understands that if given the opportunity.. anybody in American can make a success of themselves... and that perhaps too many are denied such opportunities. I don't believe that he would be naive enough to think that SOME people would still not succeed.. BUT at least they had opportunity to.

He also is not an insular in just knowing about the USA.. he KNOWS about other people, nations and how we all are a part of a tapestry that is OUR WORLD.. how what happens in the USA can affect the rest of the world and vice-versa

He is NOT an ignorant fool.. and has gained the respect of many other nations' populations.

If I were an American... I would be definitely Voting for Obama .. if not working the campaign...

What is there in Obama's past indicating that he qualifies to be the leader of the free world?The fact that the majority of Americans plan to vote for him.

There is no experience requirement. Despite the fact that Republicans have been screaming about experience for 18+ months, the majority of Americans still plan to vote for Obama.

McCain has revealed himself to be an impetuous, undisciplined, erratic candidate, and the American people have made their choice.

Despite McCain's experience, Americans don't trust him.What is there in Obama's past indicating that he qualifies to be the leader of the free world?
Having payed attention I can find nothing at all. If he's not on several government watch lists for his associations I would like to know why!

He is a lawyer, not a mathematician, so he is not qualified to do my taxes much less the taxes of the whole nation. He has zero military experience, except as possibly a protester against it, and so shouldn't be commander in chief.He himself said a certain moral issue was "above his pay grade", sounds like he will shirk that and other important issues as well.We can't afford a president that effectively will be "present" when we need a man of action-not just words.
there is no way to make Obama electable with out

dogging someone else(all the while claiming what

he is doing to others is what others are doing to him)

the worse he can make others look the better he looks

and the farther down he can put his opponent the higher

he can stand on the pedestal...

if "The Sociopath Next Door" was required reading,

people like Obama wouldn't get as far as they do...

the sad thing is most people don't realize, they are

dealing with a sociopath until they have been taken/hurt

by the sociopath...

always nosnodWhat is there in Obama's past indicating that he qualifies to be the leader of the free world?
His judgment appears more sound than McCain from the debates, and he has the endorsement of many people with long experience in government who attest to that.

He has built up good relationships with potential cabinet members and members of congress.
Well let me think, no that's no good, nope that's not good either, no that's even worse, hold on I'm thinking real hard, Oh yeah naww that's ridiculous, nope that's stupid, well there you have it couldn't find a damn thing///man he's got nothing
Barack and his wife alike both graduated from prestigious universities where studied law and political science. he held voter registration rallies. He's a senator of the US he answers debate questions without stammering. he's not running against palin but mccain.
He was right about Iraq. He is right about Afghanistan and Pakistan. He is right about capturing or killing Osama bin Laden--which Bush seems unwilling to do.
Well, in his most recent past Colin Powell endorsed him. I would say that's a pretty serious endorsement considering it help GWB get elected.
he won every card game of WAR , he also won every game of battleship, and he figure if the current doofus can become president so can he
Not the free world. A Communist society maybe, but definitely not a free one with a capitalist economy.
He is no more qualified than Sarah Palin to lead this country, probably even less qualified.
Great question, not to many good answers. I can't see how obama could get a job as a school crossing guard with his back-round.
He has no intention of being the leader of the "free" world.

Clearly freedom is of no value to him.
Obama is intelligent, level headed, and capable of restoring foreign relations around the world..

If he gets in then it will because the people want him that's what qualifies him to be leader.
Simply and honestly...NO - nothing in his past makes him qualified to lead this nation. Just the opposite in fact.
McCain Is Better...
Well nothing
You proved your point. Thanks.

McCain/Palin '08
How about the ability to run a successful campaign for President. The Presidency of the United States is probably the most powerful position one could have. You must be able to manage the interests of big money donors as well as the interests of the masses. All the while you are being attacked by your opponent and their surrogates. Regardless of whether Obama wins the election, he has proven to be a very successful campaigner and fundraiser.
Everything he's done since college!

.....Graduated magna *** laude from Harvard and instead of taking the fancy, well paid, 'rubbing shoulders with the Elites', New York firm positions he was offered Obama moved to Chicago and worked as a civil rights attorney and fought for the rights of the working poor.

He also was a Illinois state Senator and has been a U.S. Senator since 2004.

Have you read his books?

Sometimes people come along who just are brilliant and gifted and have the capacity to move people to be the best of themselves!

I see that and evidently millions of Americans do as well!
1. He has shown wise judgment in opposing the policies of the Bush Administration.

2. He knows that this country is for all Americans, not just the wealthy.

3. When he speaks to world leaders like how he did in Iraq, progress is made.
He voted against our socialist president Bush's attack on Iraq. We sure could use those trillions of dollars right about now.

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