Monday, January 30, 2012

What would be the economic effect of Obama getting impeached?

The last time we had a president as incapable as Obama was President Andrew Johnson. He was the first president to be impeached.

If the same thing happens to Obama, how would the economy react?What would be the economic effect of Obama getting impeached?Except for the psychological variations within the stock-market the overall effect would be nil. Other people in the Democratic party would continue the same basic policies.What would be the economic effect of Obama getting impeached?The DOW will increase 25%!!What would be the economic effect of Obama getting impeached?Obama is working very hard and getting the best people and help to bring America out of the worst economic mess. He had reappointed the Fed chairman Ben Bernanke who is the best man now to help America out of the economic mess. It is bad to impeach an just appointed American President.What would be the economic effect of Obama getting impeached?
Check the history again. The Hundreds of Billions of Dollars for special interests such as Kellogg, Brown, %26amp; Root and coincidental close relative Halliburton surfaces under the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Read the "Farewell Address" of President Eisenhower for clarification.

President John F. Kennedy would not play ball. The Dallas Assassination bears more than meets the innocent eye. President Kennedy favored an diminishing role and exit strategy for Viet Nam.

The organization flourishes under the Administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Texas connection to financial power is an eerie generic coincidence.

"High Crimes and Misdemeanors" such as Treason are impeachable offenses. Draining the value of Mainstream American homes and savings while claiming to be in pursuit of "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" qualifies for "Impeachment".

Acknowledge the "Jim Crow" reaction to the election of President Barack Obama. Denial leads to petty criticism by heirs of immigrants who harbor programmed tension toward heirs of emancipation and other people of color.

The US Constitution is a very solid and strong document. Read it before attempting to pontificate American History.

If there is a problem with the manner of government under President Obama, initiate a campaign to run or support someone else in the next election cycle. This is the essential "Beauty" of the US Constitution.

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