Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why do conservatives act like Obama is the only President in history to read from a teleprompter?

Presidents have read from teleprompters since they were first put in to use decades ago.

Why has it become an issue all of a sudden? Next I expect the cons to ridicule Obama for having a White House dog, or going to Camp David, or telling kids to do well in school, or something else that many other Presidents have done. Oh wait, they already did criticize him for those things.Why do conservatives act like Obama is the only President in history to read from a teleprompter?Because he is the first black president to use it.Why do conservatives act like Obama is the only President in history to read from a teleprompter?
and a teleprompter is nothing like putting words into ones mouth is it?

guess not!

Lip-reading is a dying art

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Why do conservatives act like Obama is the only President in history to read from a teleprompter?Because by definition conservatives aren't intelligent people. Many of them are under-educated, and politics is complicated and requires a lot of consideration and introspective thought.

Since they are unable to grasp a lot of the major political issues, they childishly degrade and berate the President for trivial "offenses" such as using a teleprompter or going on vacation. It's sad really. Someone told them to hate Obama. They're not sure why they hate him, but they do.

Stay in school.
His ability to speak is greatly effective, when using a teleprompter. When he gets away from one or is caught in a moment without one he stumbles all over the place and his use of uh and awwwwww are perplexing, especially for former public speakers as myself. I had no teleprompter to read from, just notes, and it took some practice to get really good at speaking, I could at least wing it with little error and aw and ummm and uh would appear but only once or twice in a three minute answer. Obama had one 2:36 minute response with :34 seconds of ummms and awwws recorded. Sounded like he stumbled everywhere.Why do conservatives act like Obama is the only President in history to read from a teleprompter?If a man can not talk for 5 minutes WITHOUT a teleprompter, he shouldn't be allowed to be president. Obama doesn't have enough floating around his head to do it. As evidenced by all the uhhs, umms, wells and Can I get a shout out... WTH is that? Not very presidential. Also most presidents have a dog before getting in the White House. Clinton used focus groups to pick the "perfect" dog, same with Obama. It just took him 2 months to figure out the report.LOL!!!Why do conservatives act like Obama is the only President in history to read from a teleprompter?
No other president used a teleprompter for EVERY single speech. Just once I'd like to hear what Obama has to say about the issues. If you don't care anything about hearing the man you voted for actual speak from his own heart once in awhile then you are truly just sheep. For once, prepare a speech and go for it, but since you ALL criticized Bush every time he spoke, Obama is probably scared to talk without a teleprompter, I can't blame him for that, you all caused it.
It's not that he uses them. It's that he uses them for 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999鈥?of his appearances. And he stumbles along most of the time when it goes out or for the rare occasion that he doesn't have them. It makes it seem like his entire presidency is scripted by someone or some group.

For major events, they are normally used. But Obama has been using them even for things like when he visits a manufacturing plant to speak to the workers there.Why do conservatives act like Obama is the only President in history to read from a teleprompter?
It's because he's a Black President that we hear so much criticism. If he were White, he'd be hailed as a great hero. Never in their lives have they ever had a Black leader instruct the American country and because of this they are looking for any racist way possibly to defame him. For years these people have lived their lives looking down on Black people as the underclass and the thought that a Black man is ABOVE them in the racial hierarchy of America. They're mad, very mad.
The Press covering the White House said it drove them crazy the way he kept looking to the left and right - no pun intended - over and over and it called everyone's attention to his fixation with the teleprompter. I watched him and they're correct. He constantly moves his head back and forth.
I'm a conservative Australian. dismayed to hear not less than twenty

(20) "you knows"..... count them from Michele in the space of maybe three minutes

that alone should give you a clue, and before all hell breaks loose

Bush was equally guilty of a host of the same

If my taxes are used to fund the education of the next generation -

I'd like to think.....well the difference in cost between a teprompter and a wii - much of a muchness, in my opinion
They weren't told by Faux News that bumbling Bush read from a teleprompter. The teleprompter only becomes an issue for them when their adversaries use it.

Interestingly, they have no complaints about the fact that even with crib notes, Sarah Palin is still unable to speak coherently.
It's just another Obama hate/fear talking point.

GOP has no other positives or candidates to talk about, only hate/fear to in attempts to win over enough sheep.

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." 鈥?George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004
He didn't use one when he talked with about 100 Republican congressmen.

He schooled them.

They did not want cameras there, wonder why. I guess they knew deep down that he is smarter than any of them, and that they would be embarrassed. And they were.
Of course he, like any other president, he uses a teleprompter for pre-prepared speeches.

And at the same time he answers questions freely in interviews and on talk shows.

He does have to take with what he says, because his words are always disected.
It all goes back to the campaign. When the teleprompter failed Obama was totally lost. It was pretty funny. Even Obama was laughing about it. There's a link to the classic below.
It's just another piece of the "rip Obama for absolutely everything, no matter how trivial" puzzle.

They even just make stuff up, like "death panels". Anything to rip on Obama...
Have you heard the empty suit speak without a teleprompter? Its alot of ah, um, ah, ah, um, ah , um, um.... its sounds like i'm listening to an incoherent lunatic
Potato Head speaks eloquently without the help of a teleprompter:

It's just his socialist stupidity that Americans are turning against.

Just wait and see.
We don't think that. He's just the first president who is unable to speak properly without one.
Bush was illiterate. Obama is not. This bothers them.
They are desperate to dislike him and have to grab at anything!
OH PLEASE! Have YOU heard 0bama talk w/o his teleprompter? He stumbles and ahs all over the place!
Because Rush said something about it so the sheep go baaaaa baaaaa
Because they need a talking point.
The issue isnt that he uses a teleprompter, it is that he cant seem to speak AT ALL without one
Because we know based on the years he has been leading the country that he is incompetent.
I don't think that is just an observation of "conservatives" which I guess you are doing to make it sound as though its just a political criticism from some splinter group, like liberals are to the Dem Party. But in fact, Obama's use of teleprompters is appalling. Clearly, he is closely controlled by his handlers and for sure whenever he makes an impromptu remark it is damaging. We are left to think that this President is a figurehead. I have the memory of LBJ using teleprompters while he lied his butt off over the Vietnam War, but the tape of Obama holding a press conference and stopping like a robot with out power when the left teleprompter fell over. He did not go on, he just stood there looking for someone to set it back up so he could read the answers that the people "behind the curtain" type out for him. A 60 minutes reporter asked him why he always does a little chuckle when asked a question in a press conference and Obama said it was just a nervous habit but in fact he is waiting for his handlers to type out the answer for him. Bush did not use them even when they were set up and of course the press ridiculed him when he would venture an answer to a question or make chatty remarks. OBama is not going to risk that, he does not answer questions, they are answered for him and he just reads them. The picture of OBama with two teleprompters set up when he was attending a 6th grade class (for a photo op about his support for education I guess). But when a kid would ask a question, little smile, little pause and then read the answer from the teleprompter. With a 6th grade class for God sakes! Oh since you feel that the criticism ( or amazement) of OBama and his teleprompters is something that "conservatives" do, let me point out that I am a lifelong Dem, a liberal with my life work being civil rights and prevention of family violence...and his use of teleprompters and lack of candor when addressing the public is chilling to me too. I don't think OBama is a liberal President, I don't think he has a political position, but if you ask him he will wait and then give you an answer.

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