Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How should Obama handle the new pipeline to canada from Texas refineries bringing us 700,000m brls a day?

this will bring more oil for gas and lower gasoline pricess some. Obama has already by the EPA he grew made offshore drilling done. lots of jobs gone. fuel higher. so how would you see that Obama should handle it. Mkae the pipeline or let the enviromentalist regulate again and say no?How should Obama handle the new pipeline to canada from Texas refineries bringing us 700,000m brls a day?the two answers you have ahead of mine are a couple of liberal crybaby fags wanting a circle jerk for ignorance. Kill me now as they walk amongst us. They can stick proper spelling and grammer up their assssssssssssss's too.How should Obama handle the new pipeline to canada from Texas refineries bringing us 700,000m brls a day?

You take oil and you put it in a refinery which creates various types of fuels -- gasoline, deisel, aircraft fuel, etc. depending upon the refinement methods. While Canada produces a lot of oil, it does not have any large scale refineries. Instead it ships oil to the US -- normally in the south -- where US refineries are paid by Canada to turn the oil into gasoline and other fuels. It is then shipped back to Canada.

Adding a gas pipeline between Texas and (western) Canada does not bring any more oil to the United States, nor does it affect the price of gasoline in the United States. Any oil Canada sends for processing, is turned into gasoline and returned to Canada. The pipeline only makes it less expensive to transport gasoline to Canada. Economically, if you don't want to build the pipleline... I suppose Canada could just build some refineries of its own and the US would start losing refinery jobs and revenue. I don't see how a gas pipeline is any more of an environmental issue as all the gasoline in Canada is already being made in the US and piped (or trucked) to Canada right now -- mainly in longer, older, and less efficient eastern pipelines.How should Obama handle the new pipeline to canada from Texas refineries bringing us 700,000m brls a day?Obama is merely a puppet carrying out the orders of the council on foreign relations and the Trilateral commission. He is carrying on the same orders given to Bush the son to turn america into a socialist state. In doing this america is a full blown socialist control grid. Cameron is doing the same in britain. These puppets along with their banker controllers need to be removed from power and we the decent people need to take back control of our countries and our destiny. We will defeat the new world order.How should Obama handle the new pipeline to canada from Texas refineries bringing us 700,000m brls a day?
your syntax is stilted , try using spell check .

if a pipe line is going FROM texas TO canada , how is it bringing us oil ?

the fuel price hikes this year had absolutely nothing to do with supply and demand , it as ALL due to speculators* on wall street getting rich .How should Obama handle the new pipeline to canada from Texas refineries bringing us 700,000m brls a day?Put it in and start umping, Obama will say no and screw 50,000 more potential jobs for americans

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