Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What does Obama plan to do differently from Bush that makes people label him a socialist?

If you believe Bush is a socialist, then claim Obama is a socialist I could understand - at least that's consistent. But if you think Obama is somehow MORE socialist than Bush I fail to see how you reached your conclusion.What does Obama plan to do differently from Bush that makes people label him a socialist?A couple of things are (i) socialization of the medical field, (ii) taxing the "rich" to give tax "rebates" to people who do not pay any taxes.What does Obama plan to do differently from Bush that makes people label him a socialist?
Well if that's the case, then none of my income is "disposable"

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What does Obama plan to do differently from Bush that makes people label him a socialist?It doesn't matter. The Right always try to marginalize the Left and pretend Communism, Socialism, etc is just around the corner. Its their favorite fear tactic.

I don't know why people think our public education system, public safety departments, etc aren't a form of socialized government sponsored service.
They are both liberal fascists, which is a type of fascism that Woodrow Wilson and FDR brought to the USA. Bush is a neo-con, which is a type of liberal, not a conservative. McCain is the same way, so last election we had the choice between two Socialists.

Of course, Obama will be worse than Bush as he is more of a globalist than W. Bush. With his Global Poverty Act, Obama will give more power to the UN over Americans. Obama's plan to spend huge amounts of money on a stimulus remind me of FDR's failed attempts to bring the US out of the last depression. WW2 brought the US economy out of the depression.

Obama鈥檚 Global Poverty Act

by Edward Cline (April 3, 2008)鈥?/a>What does Obama plan to do differently from Bush that makes people label him a socialist?Obama will take my money and give it to the drunk hobo in Detroit.What does Obama plan to do differently from Bush that makes people label him a socialist?
The American Heritage dictionary defines communism as: A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members, and socialism as: Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

FDM215 has the second paragraph right. Of course all those examples ARE socialistic. But if you think Bush started this, please say where you got that idea. I detest it when people spout off, without stating their source. Of course he didn't start them. Many of these programs were started around the time of the Great Depression in the 1930s, and others, way before that. Oh, and A+ to you Paula :-)
He plans to speak I complete sentences about helping people and how we can bring Americans together again to go forward instead of looking for the hand of God THAT reaches to you through the pure natures of wall street.

President Reagan bad medicine.

President Son of Bush bad medicine.

President Clinton foolish man.

Economy need good medicine now.

Too much bad medicine.What does Obama plan to do differently from Bush that makes people label him a socialist?
Who really cares?

It's just gay Politic stuff.

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