Saturday, February 18, 2012

How can the courts reject bringing Obama to court for his citizenship?

How can the law determine which cases to take and not take? That doesn't seem fair.

I am ready to support Obama when he becomes our President, especially now with these terrible economy times, but taking a person to court or not seem unfair.How can the courts reject bringing Obama to court for his citizenship?They shouldn't be able to. The rule of law and the constitution are at stake here. We just weakened the constitution today and its a shame all these suits were thrown out on a technicality. How can they say the person bringing the suit wasn't harmed. Unbelievable. The lower courts delayed until after the election was over because they knew the supreme court would never hear the case if it effected a black candidate. If he were white, they would have heard the case. Blacks would burn every major city to the ground if this election was overturned and the supreme court knows this would be the case. That's the only reason they wouldn't hear the case. Sad !!! How can the courts reject bringing Obama to court for his citizenship?
A. As To Berg鈥檚 assertion over Obama鈥檚 Birth Certificate 鈥?keep in mind he also has a suit to the same court claiming the US Government is the real masterminds behind 9-11

B.The supreme court did not ask for a response, Phillip Berg filed a petition to the supreme court in which the FEC and Obama have a right to respond to if they wish to.

C.The question before the supreme court was not about Obama's birth certificate. Phillip Berg's question is whether a lower court was acting in due process when they tossed out his case. What the case is based on is not directly relevant. His birth certificate has been provided, and the lower court tossed Phillip berg's 1st complaint. Berg's second and third complaint have no legal basis, and they tossed those. They also tossed any potential follow ups based on the fact that Phillip berg, nor any other citizen can file such claim it must be filed by a party.

So the question before the supreme court was not whether or not Obama is a citizen it is whether or not a court can dismiss a baseless and frivolous lawsuit.

How can the courts reject bringing Obama to court for his citizenship?they want to enforce affirmative action and prevent race riots. and to refute wartz answer he says burden of proof not on barack obama but on American citizens then if that is the case then the government constantly breaks the rules when the government ask the American citizens for birth certificate we they apply for benefits or jobs obama has applied for the job of president he shoul provide proof of birth
Actually, neither his mother nor his father was a citizen when he was born, so he has no standing if he can't prove that he was born on US soil.

Regarding McCain, he was born on a military base which is considered to be US soil. He was born to two US citizens. PLEASE get your facts straight, libs.

.How can the courts reject bringing Obama to court for his citizenship?0's supporters keep insisting that all's well. BUT why won't he show the document? There's something being hidden here, 0bamanites, otherwise he'd show the document. If there were no challenge to this fraud, then what point is the law of the land and the Constitution? The 'case' has been turned down by a liberal Clinton appointed judge (what a surprise there, right?) but that was from 'ordinary citizens'. The one that can't be ignored is by another prez candidate, Allen Keyes.

Then there's the challenge:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>How can the courts reject bringing Obama to court for his citizenship?
It is just a fact of life as far as the U.S Supreme Court goes. There is no way that the court can hear every case, that people want to bring before it. In terms of importance the Obama citizenship issue is simply moot.Hence the court will not waste their time on this one.
could you imagine what america would look lik if he were found out not to be???

could you imagine what americans would do???

they probably figure if they don't hear it then they won't have to potentially find out things we don't want to know. the people elected him without caring so why start to care now?How can the courts reject bringing Obama to court for his citizenship?
It's very fair. No one said they couldn't file. That would be unfair, and what happens in dictatorships.

The courts let them file, and then they summarily dismissed them, because they have no legal grounds to do so.

That's how the court system works.
there is no issue here. one of his parents is an american citizen, he was

born in hawaii. that makes him a citizen. if he wasn't a citizen he couldn't

have run for anything. this would have come up when he ran for congress.

the courts didn't do anything because theirs nothing to do.
want to know why the rejected it? Cause Obama gets to appoint the next justice, and they don't want to be punished for dealing with his case.
The burden of proof is not on Barack Obama but on the people who challenge his citizenship. So far they lack evidence and are substituting rhetoric.
Well I am guessing , but they looked at the briefs and found that they had no merit and maybe they thought better of being used again, as in '2000,

of selecting a President.
There is no issue here.

He is the son of an American citizen who resided in the US.

That automatically makes him a natural born citizen
"... neither his mother nor his father was a citizen when he was born"

Her mom was from Kansas, she spent most of her time

abroad but never gave up her citizenship, you are

the LIAR.
This is just their last scam they are trying to use to prevent this guy from taking power. I just don't see it....
just FYI:

McCain wasn't born in the US.

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