Sunday, February 12, 2012

Even if Obama does win the nomination, how electable is he in the general election compared to Hillary?

All republicans and rational people fear Obama because of his incessant lying and then denying lying, and lying in the process, and his associations with hatemongers and terrorists. Obama will not get any votes from any moderate or Republican. Hillary is more middle of the road, doesn't that make her more electable?Even if Obama does win the nomination, how electable is he in the general election compared to Hillary?Obama is not very competitive in a national election.

Over 30% of the registered Democratic voters consider national security a high priority.

Obama is very weak on national security. Over 30% of the registered Democratic voters will cross over and vote for McCain on the national security issue.

It is almost impossible to win a national election, when over 30% of the registered Democrats cross over and vote for the Republican candidate.

.Even if Obama does win the nomination, how electable is he in the general election compared to Hillary?
Being that Hellary Clownton is unelectable, the DEMS have only ONE CHOICE........


Captain: Looks like the Hillary ship is sunk.Even if Obama does win the nomination, how electable is he in the general election compared to Hillary?Sounds like Hillary they are a prefect dating pair.
much better than Clinton

she is mistrusted by 67% of all voters

Obama beats McCain in most pollsEven if Obama does win the nomination, how electable is he in the general election compared to Hillary?they fear Obama because he's black, lets not fool ourselves and by the way, clinton's negative ratings are through the roof.Even if Obama does win the nomination, how electable is he in the general election compared to Hillary?
I think he will beat John McCain handedly.

McCain's lack of knowledge on the economy and his support for the war will lead to his down fall.
I don't know where you are getting your information from as most surveys and data shows a small margin of difference with McCain and quite a few moderates, Republicans and Independents are voting Obama.Even if Obama does win the nomination, how electable is he in the general election compared to Hillary?
I am a Conservative Republican and although I won't vote for Obama I wouldn't vote for McCain either. From a truely fiscal conservative veiw point I am forced to choose spending my tax money on a war that doesn't really make me safer, and nationalized healthcare I would choose Healthcare because at least I would get something out of it. I saw a bumber sticker that sums up my feelings on McCain. "McCan't - Kinda Sorta Conservative."
Obama is as electable as an empty coke bottle which says on the label " dispose of properly".
Hillary has no shot at winning. None. She has essentially killed all her support in the black community. If you look at the last 2 elected democratic presidents, Clinton and Carter, neither of them got the majority of the white vote. The majority of white voters are republicans. They won with an overwelming black vote and just enough of the white vote.

No democrat can win the Whitehouse without overwhelming black support. That's just the facts. Nationally blacks make up over 30% of the Democratic voters.

Party officials know this which is why the superdelegates will give Obama the support he needs to secure the nomination, and eventually the presidency.
"The Associated Press reported that 16 percent of white voters said race was a factor in their votes, and only 56 percent of those voters said they would support Obama in a general election. Twenty-seven percent of them said they would vote for McCain if Obama was the Democratic nominee, and 15 percent said they would not vote at all."

Obama will loose 42% of the democrat vote if he is nominated and possibly more.

More democrats will be voting republican than any time in the

histroy of this country and it will not be because of the color of his skin.

They do not want or need Obama's brand of "Change".
Of states with 17 or more electoral votes, Hillary has won New York, California, Texas, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Of states states with 17 or more electoral votes Obama has won Illinois. Obama won a lot of red states with open primaries and Republicans crossed over and voted against Hillary because they know she would probably beat McCain. Obama will not get those votes in November. No candidate has won a presidential election without carrying a single Southern state. Hillary would carry Florida, Arkansas, and probably Tennessee. McCain would carry those against Obama. Zell Miller pointed out years ago that the Democratic party needed to nominate centrist candidates with Southern ties. Obama has none and Hillary resided in Arkansas for a long time and is more centrist than Obama. It is very clear to me that if the Democratic party nominates Hillary Clinton they will regain the White House. If they nominate Obama, the Republicans will retain control.
Obama, McCain and Hillary are all basically tied in national polls.
He is very electable.

1. He is against the war that George W. started to save Daddy's honor.

2.As a Democrat he is for the common working man/woman.

3.He will draw the votes of minorities because he is one.

4.He has charisma.

5.He is not Hillary.

As for the lying/denying; he learned that from Hillary and the Republicans.

If they all do it it cancels itself out in my book.

6. He has me working for him at the grass roots level.
Only ppl that want Obama is black ppl,Hamma,Al-Qaeda

and stupid college kids that been brainwash by their professor.Great speaker but only saying what will get him in office.
Of course it does, now try convincing the Obamacists.

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