Saturday, February 18, 2012

What is the different between the Obama health plan and Hillary Clinton's plan?

Obama health plan to cost $75 billion provide health insurance for 95 percent of Americans. I know Hillary has been working on that issue over 10 years. What is the different between the Obama health plan and Hillary Clinton's plan?Obama's is a little closer to a single payer system, where as clintons is not. All in all, under obama's plan people and small businesses are subsidized if they participate in the federal program, under clinton's plan you can be subsidized no matter the program. There are pros and cons to both, in obama's there are few less choices, but it also costs far less. What is the different between the Obama health plan and Hillary Clinton's plan?
I really don't know because Obama has not really produced a plan yet. All he has is an outline of what he would like to do. The first mistake Hillary made with her initial plan was in believing that she was smart enough to do it without expert involvement. The first plan was produced without one medical or insurance person on the planning board. The document was heavy enough to break a coffee table if dropped on it and both parties universally agreed that it made no sense whatsoever. If Obama is going to produce a plan hopefully he will at least learn from these mistakes and produce something that can actually be debated on subject matter..What is the different between the Obama health plan and Hillary Clinton's plan?Interesting question.. the answers are like playing "telephone" they range from pretty accurate to completely wrong. Green Pagan nailed it best..

one thing though, Obama's plan would have mandatory aspects to it. It's very similar to what they have in Mass, Children, MUST be covered, else parents face a fine (which is really a drag) ..

further, both rely on making insurance providers adjust their rates and ultimately lower premiums... I hate to say it, but that's liable to be a can of worms and depending on how much cooperation we get from the Insurance industry will have everything to do with how affordable it'll end up being for the population...

The basic difference between the two was that Hillary's plan called for insurance to be mandated, meaning you had to take the government offered plans (there were several choices). Under Obama'a plan he does not mandate the plan. If you wish to keep your current plan you are free to do so.

What is the different between the Obama health plan and Hillary Clinton's plan?I don't remember the minor differences because they won't be important in the end - either plan would be changed a lot in negotiations to get it through Congress. I think that Clinton's plan was clearer about mandating coverage for everyone, but that Obama's comes reasonably close.What is the different between the Obama health plan and Hillary Clinton's plan?
Obama's plan does not involve any amount of mandatory participation...

Hillary's plan is similar - but she recognized that people who want Insurance companies to rule the day would exploit any loophole you give them... so she required more mandatory participation on the part of all healthcare providers who accept government funds.
the difference is that Obama is the president and Hillary is sucking her thumb, so her plan won't get the same consideration as his plan.

either way, both plans are stupid.What is the different between the Obama health plan and Hillary Clinton's plan?
The difference is that people like Obama more than they like Hillary, and there will be more support put behind him than she ever got when Bill was Pres, back when she started pushing for it.

You know, Obama is the saviour!!!! (Not mine)
don't get that figure in your head because you know damn well that won't be the plan when all said and done. I doubt there will be any plan for health care. You will probably be lucky to have any at all.
You forget, that Bill Clinton was going to fix the healthcare system in the U.S. Remember Hillary was going to "help". How long ago was that? Politicians talk, Come ON!
Obama's changed everytime he spoke.
there is no difference, they both would have to tax the hell out of us to pay for it.
they both suck!
The Hillary Bush Swartznager plan is to Criminalize not having Insurance. Anyone without insurance would be arrested and sent to a labor camp.

The Obama plan is to force Medical Professionals to treat everyone under the same threat. They would be arrested and sent to labor camps if they refused to treat someone that could not pay.

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